I’ve just read the most wonderful article in CommonDreams.org, entitled, BEING HOPE,
by Kathy Kelly, in which she talks about an address she gave at the
request of the American Friends Service Committee at the conclusion of
the recent Chicago display of the AFSC’s EYES WIDE OPEN exhibit.
After finishing Kathy’s article, I read the comments that various
readers had posted. One, in particular, caught my eye, and I felt led
to respond. Here’s the text of the response I posted on
Virginia, June 1st, 2007, 9:02 AM
I love this article. In the parlance of my Quaker tradition, “It speaks
to my condition.” Kathy Kelly is certainly someone with her “Eyes Wide
Open.” How fortunate for us that she is also so gifted in expressing the
truth as she sees it.
In reading through the comments that followed the article, however, I came across this statement:
I always lie about my nationality when abroad for the purpose of safety, and I encourage others to do so as well.
I could not disagree more strongly with this position. I am an
American, living in Vietnam, engaged in humanitarian work. People here
are emerging from a bleak and isolated period of history and–what is the
light that they see at the end of this tunnel?
Capitalism and American style consumerism!
And what is the ultimate dream for many Vietnamese?
Moving to America and finding work as an acrylic nail technician.
SUVs have been popping up in Vietnam like mushrooms this year. Frozen
American chicken is sold in the new supermarkets. You need to buy
health insurance or be rich to ensure your access to adequate medical
care—in the SOCIALIST Republic of Vietnam. People with credibility—
Progressive AMERICANS—need to stand up and say, “Hey, wait a minute! Let
me tell you some of the downsides of capitalism and the American way of
life.” You can’t do that if you deny your nationality and, believe me,
these things need to be said. Books about Bill Gates and Lee Iaccoca
fill the bookstores. Cable TV has arrived, with all the capitalist
propaganda that involves. There’s nobody to counter the seductive siren
of American-style consumerism if you don’t raise your voice—or at least
turn a thumbs down when a Vietnamese taxi driver shouts, “
George Bush, Number One!”
When I am invited to speak at college English classes–they like my
clear American pronunciation—I make a point of talking about the hopeful
changes that I see in Vietnam and of the diminished expectations we now
have in America.
Here’s a telling quote from
Vietnam Investment Review:
GE could exploit opportunities in infrastructure, health care, finance and human resources.
American corporations are pushing their version of reality with all
the slickness that Hollywood and Madison Avenue can muster. Can you
imagine how powerful and seductive their visions are to people just
emerging from decades of poverty and cultural isolation? We, as
concerned individuals, need to counter that. And, in the more intimately
personal social encounters that are common in countries where people
are not cocooned in cars and suburban fortresses—we can have an enormous
impact. But our credibility arises from the fact that we are
American—and we know whereof we speak.
By the way, I suppose that I have more credibility than most because I
let go of my American life. It totally blows Vietnamese minds when I
say that I have no intention of going back to the US. And then I tell
them why . . .